Episode 7: Rob Bledsoe
Rob Bledsoe is the pastor at Trinity United Methodist Church in Bradenton, Fl. He is preaching this week the first sermon of the Advent Season. Rob shares about his process of preparing a manuscript, how it different preaching as a new pastor to a congregation, and how he is learning to move sermons from the head to the heart.
Episode 6: David Killingsworth
Dave Killingsworth is the Co-Pastor at First United Methodist Church of Sanford. He is preaching this week on healing through Isaiah 52:9-53:12, Hebrews 4:14-5:9. Dave shares the last week of the healing series, why he intentional writes a manuscript, how he preaches uniquely with his body, and his favorite book from Dr.Seuss.
Episdoe 5: Allee Willcox
Allee Willcox is the Associate Pastor at Suntree United Methodist Church and she is preaching this week on mental health and the healing of Bartimaeus. She shares about preaching as an Associate, the planning process with her Senior Pastor and her team, the gift she has with feeling her stories, and how she thinks preaching is beyond Sunday, but exists in what a preacher does Monday-Saturday.
Episode 4: Scott Smith
Scott Smith, pastor at First United Methodist Church of Ormond Beach UMC, shares his sermon about “Do Not Worry,” how he developed a team to give him feedback on his sermon ideas before he preaches it, and how he stays in the moment during the sermon.
Episode 3: Clare Chance
In this conversation, Clare and I talk about Homecoming, Hebrews 12, and Henri Nouwen’s “Seed of Hope.” Clare shares how she prepares sermons with a team, how homecoming isn’t just about the sermon but about the whole service, and her reasoning behind preaching with a whole manuscript.
Episode 2: Chris Jones
Chris Jones is the pastor at Asbury United Methodist Church in Maitland Florida. Chris talks about his sermon series he is preaching on titled “Mythbusters”, explains how he calendars sermons for the whole year, and how he has learned to preach like himself and no one else.
Episode 1: Mike Luzinski
Mike Luzinski, pastor of Spring of Life UMC, tells us about his sermon on 1 Timothy, estimates of giving, and a story about Pandora charms.
Welcome to Preacher Lab
Welcome to Preacher Lab, I hope that you enjoy, learn, and grow from other preachers that are on this podcast.